Hi again

solved: resetting the -->user profile helped!

Close all instances of LO, rename |registrymodifications.xcu to old_*.*,
start trying to reproduce the formula error.
|May be you should keep the *.xcu-file...
Regards, Eric

Am 23.08.2016 um 16:11 schrieb Thomas Krumbein:
> Hey Eric,
> this is a Excel - File format?
> LibreOffice do not use [..] or "!"
> So, the right syntax should be:
> =('file:///c:/path/to/file.ods'#$Tabelle1.D13)
> And jey, you can work with copy & paste:
> Open both Calc files
> Select in source file the cell-range which should be connect - press
> richt mouse button, hold button, press shift + Strg - draw mouse to
> target - file an target cell - release buttons.
> That´s it :)
> Best regards
> Thomas
> Am 23.08.2016 um 15:39 schrieb E. Mommsen:
>> Hi
>> I'm using LO 64bit on Windows.
>> When I insert a formula with a reference to an external file into a
>> cell, err:507 ("Fehler in Klammerung") or err:520 is displayed in the
>> cell. The formula seams to be correct:
>> =['file:///c:/path/to/file.ods']tablename!d13
>> Insertion by mouse-click or copy&paste does not make any difference.
>> Local references within the same file work correctly.
>> I just upgraded from 4.4. Is there a stable version 5 of LibreOffice
>> without this error?
>> Best regards, Eric

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