Hi Markus,

Thanks for the reply. The explanation is clear. I signed up to the GRC Wiki
and I'll try to suggest something. Unfortunately, this may take a long
time, as I'm just getting to know GRC.

Best regards,

czw., 30 sty 2025 o 16:51 Marcus Müller <mmuel...@gnuradio.org> napisał(a):

> Hi Maciej,
> yes, you're right that the frequency sink conflates "sampling rate" and
> "bandwidth". It
> always shows the full Nyquist bandwidth, and only scales the axis labels
> to fit your
> bandwidth setting.
> (Internally, what happens is simply that
> 10·log_10(|DFT(Input[N*num_point…(N+1)*num_point])) are taken and plotted.
> The DFT doesn't
> actually care about any frequencies; it tells you something about
> "something repeats every
> so and so many samples", and what that means in "real-world" time or
> frequency is only
> defined by sampling rate.)
> This is "slightly" documented (read: probably not good enough) on
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/QT_GUI_Frequency_Sink, where it says
>  > Bandwidth (Hz)
>  >    bandwidth of signal (used to set x-axis labels)
>  >    default: samp_rate
> The implication "used for nothing *but* to set the x-axis labels as
> fraction of the
> overall width" is not done well.
> Generally, that page could use some love: it's mostly a listing of the
> parameters without
> explanations, the example is outdated (and also a bad choice, because it
> uses a "PSK Mod"
> block, first of all, a deprecated block, and a block choice which to the
> unsuspecting
> reader would imply that PSK has a spectral shape, but that's of course
> wrong, what has a
> spectral shape is the pulse shaping done "hidden" in the "PSK Mod" block!)
> Would you think you could make a wiki account and help us improve that?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 1/25/25 8:06 PM, Maciej Zemło wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I recently encountered an issue while using the QT GUI Frequency Sink in
> GNU Radio, which
> > caused incorrect frequency readings when the displayed bandwidth was set
> to a value
> > smaller than the sampling rate (\(fs\)).
> >
> > My signal source was set to generate a cosine wave at 1000 Hz, with the
> sampling rate
> > 32k. The QT GUI Frequency Sink was configured with a displayed bandwidth
> of samp_rate / 8
> > = 4 kHz. The frequency of the signal was displayed incorrectly on the
> plot, showing around
> > 120 Hz instead of the expected 1 kHz.
> >
> > After investigating, I think that this behavior was caused by how the QT
> GUI Frequency
> > Sink rescales and interprets the frequency axis when the displayed
> bandwidth is set to a
> > smaller range. When I increased the bandwidth in the frequency sink to
> match the full
> > samp_rate, the signal frequency was displayed correctly. Is this a
> correct assessment and
> > does it work like that for you too?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > yabool2001
> >

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