Hello I am using srsRAN and using ZMQ/GNUradio to broker an gNB-UE connection and I want to simulate a man-in-the-middle attack where there is a passive listener listening to e.g. DL transmission. I tried following this srsRAN tutorial for multi-ue, but the UE won't attach https://docs.srsran.com/projects/project/en/latest/tutorials/source/srsUE/source/index.html#multi-ue-emulation
I then tried to use something like a threshold block that essentially blocks the branch outside of gNB-UE, and once RRC is connected, I can unblock and how the signal goes through - something similar to https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/67657/record-signal-after-threshold-reach-in-gnu-radio (see attached) The UE attaches, but the moment I unblock and let signal pass through to the listener, the transmission stops. It also does this weird funky thing when I shut the listener off the signal passes through momentarily - this happens haphazardly and hard to reproduce. I am wondering if there is a better way to split the ZMQ REQ-REP where UE attaches, and connection is stable. I appreciate the help Best Hud Postdoc UWYO