On 30/12/2024 19:52, Marcus Müller wrote:
This is an excellent development.

If y'all do a 2nd edition, would you consider a chapter on Radio Astronomy and Gnu Radio?  I mean, I want to do an   entire book on the subject, but a chapter on the subject in a larger treatise might be useful...

On 31.12.24 00:11, jmfriedt wrote:
Dear GNU Radio community,
we are delighted to share the publication of the first, to the best of
our knowledge, textbook dedicated to GNU Radio and its application to
fields as varied as RADAR, GNSS reception and satellite communication,
and of course digital communication, sharing 12+ years of experience
with the awesome framework we are gathered on this mailing list to
discuss about. The book is advertised at


and the accompanying git repository
is https://gitlab.com/gnuradio_book/flowcharts

We hope you might enjoy the content, even possibly provide feedback.

Best wishes and happy new year, with a warm greeting to the GNU Radio
and OOT developer community for all these years of fun,

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