Hi all, I'm using Symbol Sync from core GNU library. Although when Gardner TED is selected, the parameters section **do not**have any option to define a slicer constellation, the generated python file passes qpsk.base as slicer argument as follows:
self.digital_symbol_sync_xx_0_0_0 = digital.symbol_sync_cc( digital.TED_GARDNER, xsample, my_loopbw, my_damp_fac, my_ted, my_maxdev, 1, digital.constellation_qpsk().base(), digital.IR_PFB_MF, nfilts, rrc_taps) I would like to modify the default qpsk.base constellation as I'm using a different one. My question is can I do so without messing with the generated .py file? I would much prefer passing the argument using GNU interface instead of manually modifying .py file. Thanks a lot, Best regards, Ceren