This is definitely a bug. But as far as I can see you are building but
not installing gnuradio.

Otherwise the message "Running from soure tree" makes no sense.

If I start gnuradio from the build tree I get the same error message as
you did.
So to come accros this issue, install gnuradio after nuilding and run it
from the install tree.

This problem may be caused by the fact that some configuration
directories have been changed.

-- Volker
Am 28.09.24 um 02:08 schrieb Elmore Family:
I have installed the latest version of GNU Radio from source. When I
tried to execute from the RPi GUI nothing happened. I then tried the
following execution:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd gnuradio/grc/scripts
pi@raspberrypi:~/gnuradio/grc/scripts $ ls
CMakeLists.txt  freedesktop  gnuradio-companion  grcc
pi@raspberrypi:~/gnuradio/grc/scripts $ python3 gnuradio-companion
Running from source tree
Could not retrieve GNU Radio configuration directory from GNU Radio.
Trying defaults.
Could not retrieve GNU Radio persistent state directory from GNU Radio.
Trying defaults.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/pi/gnuradio/grc/", line 229, in get_state_directory
     from import paths
ImportError: cannot import name 'paths' from '' (/usr/lib/
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/pi/gnuradio/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion", line 103, in
   File "/home/pi/gnuradio/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion", line 96, in
   File "/home/pi/gnuradio/grc/", line 297, in main
     log_file = os.path.join(get_state_directory(), "grc.log")
   File "/home/pi/gnuradio/grc/", line 250, in get_state_directory
     f"files to '{newpath}'.")
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'newpath' referenced before assignment
What do I need to do?

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