I should have acknowledged that the article I wrote is derived from the
presentation of Antoine Blais from the French Civial Aviation University
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apf5fvGSYHc&t=201s
who does not share GNU Radio flowgraphs but all the underlying
principle of angle of arrival measurement in his excellent presentation.

Best, JM

> The article is in French but GNU Radio's flowcharts are international
> (bottom of page 1 for AM, Fig 6 for AM and
> FM): http://jmfriedt.free.fr/hackable_vor.pdf I can translate to English if 
> interested (or ask a chatbot to translate
> since this seems to be the trend now).
> Best, JM
> > I am working on vor signal reception using USRP N210 in GNU Radio
> > Companion, Could you please help me how to do its demodulation
> > (suggest me some blocks) as it has both AM and FM modulated signal.
> > I am doing this on Windows 10, it is possible to do phase comparison
> > without using python block.
> > 
> > I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can
> > provide to help me.
> > 
> > Thank you for your assistance.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Muhammad Anas  

JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000
Besancon, France

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