On 7/4/24 07:11, Gary Schafer wrote:

Perhaps if you shared your flowgraph?


I've created about the simplest flow graph possible to demonstrate the issue (attached).

Here's the output.

<<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>

Block paths:

Generating: "/tmp/default.py"

Generating: "/tmp/default.py"

Executing: /usr/bin/python3 -u /tmp/default.py

(python3:203156): dbind-WARNING **: 07:40:33.655: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /root/.cache/at-spi/bus_0.0: Permission denied
audio_alsa_source :error: [pulse]: set_channels failed: Invalid argument
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/default.py", line 121, in <module>
  File "/tmp/default.py", line 101, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py", line 116, in start
    top_block_start_unlocked(self._impl, max_noutput_items)
RuntimeError: check topology failed on audio_alsa_source(1) using ninputs=0, noutputs=2

>>> Done (return code 1)

Attachment: audio.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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