
This really has little to do with GNU Radio and more to do with Python/GUI 

As a general rule, a GUI should never perform a “blocking” operation. Since 
your application has its own “event loop”, it is fatal to pass control to it 
from another event loop.

Rather than calling your application directly, consider the Python 
subprocess<https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html> module. Stack 
 is helpful.

Jim Melton

From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jim.melton=sncorp....@gnu.org 
<discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jim.melton=sncorp....@gnu.org> On Behalf Of Elmore 
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 10:05
To: GNU Radio <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Run a python script interactively from GNU Radio

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I have an application which I can run successfully as a standalone Python 
script called from the terminal. When executed, this script is in a while loop.

I would like to execute the script from GNU Radio and interact with it. I have 
a toggle button which when pressed calls the script. Once the script begins 
execution I no longer have control from GNU Radio – the window does not 
respond. I realize this is because the script is in a while loop without any 
way to exit it (another issue).

Is there some way to run this script and still have a functioning GNU Radio? I 
would like to be able to exit the script, enter a value to be used by the 
script, set other parameters, etc. Is this possible or am I attempting to do 
something which is not within GNU Radio’s purview?

This is a fairly complex project I have been working on for some time but this 
is the first time I tried something like this. I don’t want to have to build 
all the OOTs that would be required to run this entirely in GNU Radio. It was 
difficult enough to develop a successfully executing script.



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