
I don't know if this proper place to ask such question, or to whom ask about 
that, but I notice that is much difference between GNURADIO speed running on 
different distro, for example I choose couple of distros with already compiled 
package, just to avoid buidling from source. I'm still using LimeSDR USB, and 
like to used older version of gnuradio which supports gr-limesdr, although can 
use with soapy wrapper under gr-osmosdr.
Basically, I'm using osmosdr block, and I notice that Arch linux with gnuradio 
3.10.10 running slower than Fedora 39 with 3.10.6. Arch was tested with SSD 
drive, Fedora with mechanical, although tests made with sysbench shows better 
r/w paramters made on Arch, can confirm that python scripts run faster on 
Fedora 39 Workstation Server, so where is the catch. Arch is known for speed 
and "clean" package build, tested version is not from AUR think 3.11, and can 
confirm that I made volk_profile before start using gnuardio. Where can I learn 
more about that topic, ask distros developer builder, can you give me advice 
about that matter


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