Hi Alex,

On 13.03.24 21:13, Woods, Alex C wrote:

I've constructed the Spectrum Analyzer as seen on this page (see following link to GNU radio wiki) in hopes to test the functionality of GNU radio's compatibility with the b200-mini I plan to use for a project:

https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=Guided_Tutorial_Hardware_Considerations <https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=Guided_Tutorial_Hardware_Considerations>

Unfortunately, when I run execute the flow graph, I get:

RuntimeError: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for -----> Empty Device 

and it doesn't run as intended. I've verified the connection of the device through UHD command uhd_find_devices (as well as several other commands), where it sees the b200-mini just fine, but GNU Radio isn't seeing it for some reason. The device is interfaced via USB.

This is similar to the error this StackExchange user encountered (see link below), but I was slightly confused on how to fix it with the advice provided in the highest-upvoted response.


Ha, that's my answer :)

If it has any effect on anything, I downloaded GNU Radio using the three lines at the top of the UbuntuInstall page on the wiki (linked below):


What's the reason for going this complicated route rather than the easy, https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=InstallingGR recommended route of

`apt-get install gnuradio`

here? That has effect on what I'd recommend you do.

Best regards,

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