The received signal is a combination of a large number of multipath
signals, which can not be separated out. It's sort of like a hash of the
environment - a one way calculation. Training signals can be used to
determine the multipath response and minimize or take advantage of it, but
the individual paths are lost.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:36 AM Sourya Saha <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is my first post to this list. I am quite new to GNU Radio. I have a
> wifi transmitter and a receiver in a room. The signals from the WiFi
> transmitter get relfected through the various walls and then reach the
> receiver, except the LOS signal. What i want to do is to calculate the AoA
> and RSSI of each of the signals from each of the multipaths.
> Could someone suggest how I can do that? Help is really appreciated.

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