Hi All,

Some of you may recall that I am trying to sample at 2.4M and count
beeps between samples (usually 80 Beeps per minute, sometimes about 47
beeps per minute).

80 beeps per second equates to a beep every 1.3sec.

Anyway I have saved a 10 sec numpy array to disk, then processed it in
small chunks, lets say about 0.2 seconds worth of chunks. This works

The issue is when I try to do this in realtime from the RTLSDR I am
getting more like 120 beeps per minute which is wrong.

I suspected the sampling rate at 2.4M might be to blame so I went as
low as possible to 250k and the beeps per minute got to 86 (closer).

I still need to be certain if I am dropping samples, and the code that
acquires data is threaded and buffered, so quite complicated.

I assume I can add some time stampss to check for missing samples
against expected samples?

I change the sample rate variable to 250k, but I dont think I needed
to change any other calculations, since freq offset stays the same?

Code is here :



"Beat it punk!"
- Clint Eastwood

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