Whatever your problem is, you really *never* need a copy block to distribute work; for that, GNU Radio's buffer are already there. You just added unnecessary copying to your problem. And GNU Radio blocks are all running in their own thread by themselves, so I think you might be missing the point alltogether here

Stackprogrammer, as usual: you wrote a less-than-10-lines vague description of the problem, gave no context, and hoped for competent answers. That doesn't work here, and it doesn't work anywhere else – I've heard from more than one party that has been in direct contact with you that was quite frustrated that you repeatedly just throw out random "problems" without any context. Please be more considerate of the time of people trying to help you.

Best regards,

On 13.09.23 08:43, sp wrote:
After examination I found a solution, you can use copy block in gnuradio for the implementation of a pool structure.

On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 3:42 PM sp <stackprogra...@gmail.com> wrote:

    In programming, I need to define a pooling layer that updates the last usrp 
    and other blocks use these pool samples and compute some operations, I 
    that my means from pool,the pool is shared for all blocks(the blocks that 
use pool
    name as worker....)
    Can anyone guide me? thanks in advance
    more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_pool

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