Dear Dave, Thank you for your work on AFF3CT. I know that Americans like to think that what is clever has been invented by them :-) but in this case, AFF3CT is not originating from MIT. It is delivered with an MIT open source license but has nothing to do with the MIT (as stated on your github). To render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's: it is a library created by French collegues and in particular Adrien Cassagne the main architect (see [ | ] ).
Best regards Hervé De: "Dave Miller" <> À: Envoyé: Mercredi 2 Août 2023 04:54:49 Objet: RE: LDPC Decoder block API change All, Since last week below (CCSDS LDPC Rate 1/2 OOT Decoder), I have just also added a DVB-S2 Rate 1/2 LDPC decoder and associated Encoder/Decoder flowgraph to my gr-aff3ct_codes repository: 1. For the DVB-S2 Rate 1/2 LDPC Decoder (64800,32400), I again used the AFF3CT C++ Library 2. For the DVB-S2 Encoder, I used the GNU Radio In-Tree DVB-S2 LDPC Encoder block [ | ] Regards, Dave >From : Dave Miller Subject : RE: LDPC Decoder block API change Date : Tue, 25 Jul 2023 21:58:50 -0400 Jeff, I have implemented a GNU Radio OOT block for a CCSDS rate 1/2 LDPC Decoder. I did not even try to use the current GNU Radio In-Tree LDPC decoder block because others have noted that the In-Tree LDPC decoder has issues: 1. I used the MIT AFF3CT C++ library as noted on my OOT site for the decoder on github: gr-aff3ct_codes - An AFF3CT library approach for a LDPC decoder was also noted by Daniel Estevez (gr-satellites) in his Orion/Moon Link analyses/articles in late CY2022. 2. The AFF3CT C++ library may open up many other decoder options also for GNU Radio decoders. 3. However, I did use the GNU Radio In-Tree LDPC Encoder Block for my CCSDS Rate 1/2 LDPC Encoder. Regards, Dave Miller ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >From : Jeff Long Subject : LDPC Decoder block API change Date : Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:32:26 -0400 Does anyone use the LDPC Decoder block? PR [ | ] will remove a param, changing the API. Normally we wouldn't do this, but best we can tell, the block is currently broken and unused.