Hello guys! Few years ago I implemented a ADS-B spoofer (transmitter) composed by an external python module that evaluates the ADS-B payload (given position information and aircraft ID) and a gnuradio OOT module that generates the waveform. I should share my code on github, let me know if you really need it. Regards. Ivan
Il 03.07.2023 16:04 John Sallay ha scritto: > I've used this package recently and it would not be trivial to convert from rx to tx. With that said, ADS-B is a pretty simple signal, I don't think it would be a monumental effort to do it. You would need to write the reverse of the decoder block that would create ADS-B messages from your input data. Additionally, you might need to write a block that converts that message to the Pulse Position Modulation used by ADS-B (I'm not sure if there are any standard blocks that can do this for you) and appends the preamble sequence. > I'm not sure what your application is, but I would make sure that whatever you are planning to do it legal where you are located. I'm not a lawyer, but I would imagine that you could get in trouble while building up your transmitter if other aircraft or flight controllers were able to pick up on your signal. > > On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 9:44 AM Mike Sousa wrote: > >> The gr-adsb package has a receiver example. Is there an example of a adsb transmitter? If not, how difficult would it be to convert the rx into tx? Would it be similar to replacing the USRP Source with a Signal Source and replacing the ZMQ PUB message Sink with a USRO Sink (this sounds too simplistic, but one can hope)? >> >> https://github.com/mhostetter/gr-adsb [1]