Hello, Mike. Yes, it is possible to do this. The process to send a complex data over an USRP is made by using the uhd blocks.
The UHD blocks can be sink (transmit) or source (receive). You would insert in the field "device address" your USRP address connected to your computer and then make some settings over the gain, sample rate, etc. This tutorial is important to understand in more detail the process of transmission and reception over SDRs https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=Guided_Tutorial_Hardware_Considerations and this another one is very importante to make the correct setting of USRP parameters https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/USRP_Sink . Can I help you with someone else? Em qui., 22 de jun. de 2023 às 22:37, Mike Sousa <mike_so...@yahoo.com> escreveu: > > My image of the flow of control did not go through, so here it is using > plain text > > GNU Radio ---- commands ---> B210 --- output from TX/RX port on a wire > ---> Xlinx Zynq UltraScale > > I've connected and sent commands to the B210, but I'm curious about how to > get wifi from the B210 to the Xilinx. Is it possible to create a block, if > none exists to send the output from the gr-ieee-11 block to the Xlinx? >