Just a quick update that our Call for Participation Abstract Deadline submission has been extended to *June 23rd.*
If you thought you missed it but have a great project or idea for a presentation/workshop/poster/tutorial - go ahead and submit your abstract by *June 23* https://events.gnuradio.org/event/21/abstracts/ https://gnuradio.org/grcon23 And of course registration is open as well: tickets.gnuradio.org Look forward to seeing everyone there! Josh On Fri, May 12, 2023 at 5:30 AM Marcus Müller <mmuel...@gnuradio.org> wrote: > Dear Community, > > GRCon'23 is happening in early September this year – so our submission > deadlines are a bit > tighter than usual. > > Submission for talks, papers, workshops, and other contributions are > accepted through the > GRCon'23 website: > > https://events.gnuradio.org/event/21/abstracts/ > > This call for participation closes on 5 June 2022! > > A tiny bit about the GNU Radio conference: > > GRCon is GNU Radio's annual conference, being held in changing cities in > the U.S., and > also live-streamed and chat-interacted online. Watching the main track > online and > interacting with the audience and speakers via chat are free. Registration > for the > in-person event started in March. > > GRCon'23 happens 5 – 9 September in Tempe, Arizona at ASU. > > What GRCon offers is a main track of presentations with topics on GNU > Radio, applications > of SDR / high-rate signal processing, computational radio science, > scientific and industry > developments, policy and technological breakthroughs. > > Next to that, there's tutorials on specific topics, a poster session, > Special Interest > Groups and the developer's summit, which is the get-together for the > project developers. > Oh, and of course, there's social events, happening at local highlight > locations. > > If you have *any* question (and I mean that – we're trying to make GRCon > as accommodating > as possible) about GRCon, be it about attendance, online participation, > content submission > or other problems related to the conference, we want you to reach out: > Here on the mailing > list, on the chat (https://chat.gnuradio.org), or in a private email to > the GRCon > organizers (gr...@gnuradio.org). > > Now, clearly, this all requires significant funds to set up – with a > history of more than > 300 in-person attendees prior to COVID (last year's in-person attendance > was around 200 > attendees), and the live video streams achieving 3900 views last year, > there's a large > responsibility to organize a smooth conference and offer an excellent > in-person and remote > experience. > > As in previous years, we do not intend to push all these costs onto the > attendees alone > (this year's tickets are cheaper than last year!); instead, it has proven > mutually > advantageous to have sponsors contribute to the conference, and be present > in various > forms to the audience. If your company is interested in reaching a > high-profile, technical > and social audience, please do see > https://events.gnuradio.org/event/21/page/106-sponsorship-opportunities > and reach out to > spon...@gnuradio.org . > > Best regards, and: see you in person in Arizona or online in September, > Marcus > >