Hi Alon, I‘m not sure about a Block with two stream outputs because I have no experience with that, but I can suggest a workaround that should definitely work: -Make a block with two message outputs and package the samples from the stream into messages you send via these message outputs. -Make a block that has a message input and a stream output, which turns inputs from a message back into a stream. (If a message comes in, store it to a buffer. In the work procedure, check whether there is something in the buffer to send or otherwise just return 0.) -Make a hier block, in which you connect two instances of the second block to the outputs of the first block. I know, it’s not perfect, but at least it should work. Mit besten Grüßen, Nicolas Buhr Am 30.05.2023 um 22:30 schrieb Alon Simon Levin <asl2...@columbia.edu>:
- One Tagged Input Stream to Unequal Output Streams Alon Simon Levin
- Re: One Tagged Input Stream to Unequal Output Stream... U L
- Re: One Tagged Input Stream to Unequal Output Stream... Nicolas Buhr