Hi Natasya,

please remember to use meaningful subject lines for your emails – I missed this one almost, because you used an empty subject.

Anyways, that depends on your USRP. There's very many different ones, as Marcus Leech already pointed out [1]. Did you not receive that reply? You just posted the same question (letter for letter) without even mentioning the information you already have gotten. If you can't read the replies, no progress can be made.

Also note that your question doesn't seem to be related to GNU Radio. Maybe the usrp-users mailing list is a better place to ask the USRP-related questions.

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2023-05/msg00064.html

On 5/22/23 15:02, Natasya Nurul Putri wrote:
Hello Everyone
I want to ask about hot to connect USRP devices on ubuntu use virtual box
I have done USRP install on ubuntu. but, when I connect USRP device to PC. However, on ubuntu OS the device (USRP)  is not found.
i am use virtual box to install ubuntu

How to solve this problem?
Looking for you replies, thankyou

  • [no subject] Natasya Nurul Putri
    • Re: It's a cat
    • Connecting USRP in Virtual Box VM Marcus Müller

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