Hi Michelle,

you should probably *not* be using GNU Radio 3.8 at this point! Please use a more modern version.

Best regards,

On 08.05.23 20:31, Michelle Salehi wrote:
Hi, I have an example of BPSK tx/rx in GNU Radio generated from a vector source and was trying to send a packet that has a sync word, header, and body/data being sent.  I see the example at this tutorial Packet Communications - GNU Radio <https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Packet_Communications> and the example file "Pkt_xmt_gr38.grc"  I guess I'm not understanding how I would add the vector source data to the embedded python block "Packet Format GR38"?  If you have any suggestions on where I can start to understand this that would be appreciated. Thanks for your help!


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