Hi Fabian,
it's interleaved real, imag, real, imag. If you used dtype=np.complex64 instead of float32
(and then not double the count), you'd get it interpreted exactly that way :)
On 04.05.23 19:38, Fabian Schwartau wrote:
Sorry again, never mind... I found the problem.
The source code for reading the data does not include the fact that I am reading complex
data and also three streams. Change the one line to:
data=np.fromfile(file=fh, dtype=np.float32, count=3*2*int(header_info['nitems']), sep='',
and everything seems to work as expected. Now I just have to figure out how the data is
ordered in that blob ;)
Am 04.05.23 um 19:19 schrieb Fabian Schwartau:
Hi everyone,
I think I got hit by https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/5568.
Exactly the same error message. Is there any update on that issue or a
Attached are my files.
Am 03.05.23 um 21:01 schrieb Marcus D. Leech:
On 03/05/2023 14:59, Fabian Schwartau wrote:
Sorry, forget it. Wrong sink...
You probably want:
Am 03.05.23 um 20:52 schrieb Fabian Schwartau:
OK, I think I found an easier way (at least for me), without having to write my own
module - never done that.
I used the "Tags Strobe" block in combination with the "Python Module" for my
gps_get_position() function.
Anyway, where can I find a definition of the format of the "Tagged File Sink"? I need
to read this with antoher program, without gnuradio, but in python.
Am 03.05.23 um 20:04 schrieb Marcus Müller:
Hi Fabian,
I'd write a block that copies a stream in- to output. It might query gpsd every time
the work() function is called, or have a FIFO into which data from gspd is being
pushed by a separate thread (or by reading from a socket or however gspd works, I
must admit I'm not sure).
You then take that info, and encode the long, lat, uncertainty as (double, double,
double) PMT tuple. You then use add_item_tag to add that PMT to the first sample in
your output buffer.
You'd feed the result into a metadata file sink block: That saves things in a
serialized format ready for retrieval.
On 5/3/23 19:52, Fabian Schwartau wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am trying to record some data from an SDR and would like to sync/tag the data
with the current gps position from gpsd. I am kind of stuck and don't know how a
possible solution for that might look like in grc.
I have a python function that gets the current position as a tuple, but how do I
get this into my data stream, which I would like to write to a CSV file or similar?
I am not asking for a solution of my problem, just point me in the right
direction ;)