On 02/05/2023 19:17, Glen Langston wrote:
Hi Marcus Leech (and Muller),
Well you beat me to it!
It’s great that you can pre-confirm my results. I’ll have to look at the
rest of your memos. Do you mind if we cross-post your memo CERRA memo,
as a LightWork memo too? Maybe it will be better to just reference your memos
on the LightWork page. Just thinking while typing…
You produced a beautiful spectrum of the Milky Way, if you love that kind of
thing, like I do!
Calibrating, by looking at the Ground, is pretty reliable and easy.
Wide-field spectra at milky-way transit near Cygnus are generally pretty
Here's a kind of "extremal" of these types of horn antenna:
We had that one built by a local sheet-metal/HVAC shop for under
C$200.00. The diameter at the exit is about 23"
as I recall.
The plan was to use it to illuminate our sub-reflector at the
observatory, but we had a change of heart after we realized
that plan was going to require a LOT of "civil engineering". So, we
converted the 12.8m dish to prime focus, and that
well-built (but kinda 'amateur') horn is just sitting there.