Hi Lai,
first, naive, question:
Ubuntu 22.04 (and thus, Kubuntu 22.04) ship a GNU Radio with backported fixes,
built with a UHD; that's relatively recent! In short, if you don't specifically
need a never version of either, I'd recommend you save yourself the trouble of building
from source yourself.
(If anything, I'd simply take the uhd and gnuradio source packages from Ubuntu 23.04 and
build them on your Ubuntu 22.04, that would shift the effort of making a clean build and
installing all the dependencies to the package maintainer.)
The errors you're getting seem to stem from a confusion of versions on the side of the QWT
Qt-based library, as you were saying, but it's not libqwt that's in the wrong version,
it's that libqwt expects a different version of Qt5's core functionality and widget
library than your linker finds!
That's very strange. Did you perhaps build QWT from source in the past, then update Qt, or
something similar?
Best regards,
On 27.04.23 11:41, lai wieniawski wrote:
hi, all,
I am trying to build gnuradio from source on kubuntu22.04.
I am flowing the guide:
Where I have done
1. build UHD, and installed
2. build volk, and installed
3. build gnuradio, just clone from git, and build, donot switch to v3.9 or
1. using cmake to generate makefile
2. make
I face error while make:
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable display_qt
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/libqwt-qt5.so: undefined reference to `qt_version_tag@Qt_5.15'
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/libqwt-qt5.so: undefined reference to `QPushButton::hitButton(QPoint
const&) const@Qt_5'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [gr-qtgui/examples/c++/CMakeFiles/display_qt.dir/build.make:135:
gr-qtgui/examples/c++/display_qt] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3196:
gr-qtgui/examples/c++/CMakeFiles/display_qt.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2
It seems that the version libqwt-qt5.so is not correct.
How can I fix it?