Hi Johannes, Vasil  & all,

I am on gnuradio and I installed gnuradio from source.

Since pybind11 (2.4.3) which comes with ubuntu 20.04 is not working with 
gnuradio 3.10, I changed to pybind11 (2.5.0).

my pygccxml is in version 2.2.1

Here is  the link to github, where I uploaded the code (since the link was not 
working): https://github.com/niklas-aac/phyheader

Exactly, I am running a flowgraph, this will be on my to-do list, thank you:

>since gdb starts quite a few threads, I suggest you extract the part
>that segfaults into a script that's as small as possible. I assume you
>run a flowgraph in GRC. Just take the generated `.py` file and reduce it.

Thank you so far!



Von: Vasil Velichkov <vvvelich...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 31. März 2023 15:30:24
An: Beckmann, Niklas; discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Betreff: Re: Segmentation fault when adding a variable...

Hi Niklas,

On 31/03/2023 14.42, Beckmann, Niklas wrote:
> I am currently facing a problem, where gunradio segfaults, when I add a 
> certain variable into the flowchart.

For reference a link to our previous discussion is 

> I created a little apache server, to share the according code of my module, 
> where the segfault happens (/include & /lib cpp files):
>  http://nbws.hopto.org/

It's not accessible

$ curl http://nbws.hopto.org/
curl: (7) Failed to connect to nbws.hopto.org port 80 after 3101 ms: No route 
to host

$ ping nbws.hopto.org
PING nbws.hopto.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

$ host nbws.hopto.org | grep "has address"
nbws.hopto.org has address

This is a private IP address and is not publicly accessible.

Better upload the sources to one of the git hosting services (github, gitlab, 
...) or upload a tarball archive to file hosting service and provide a link.


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