Hi! I am designing a message in-out OOT block that has a similar structure to the Message Strobe. It is ought to send packets as soon as the Gnuradio runtime permits. I realized that it is necessary to sleep the block off of any work for a short period of time to surpass the "block::start();" initialization. Otherwise, I am assuming, the thread is rushing an output before the Gnuradio scheduler initialization is settled therefore is breaking the runtime and forcing an exit. For now I am sleeping the block to solve the issue for an arbitrary duration, say 1000 ms. I was wondering if there is a recommended sleep duration, block specific or in general that is fixed to all blocks or calculable. Or is there a solid work around to sleeping the thread at all. I have looked for an explanation online and searched through the archives but could not find an answer. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance! Brian.