The number of data packets in ?? is not correct, but the 
number of data packets in ?? is correct. Therefore, to avoid more problems, I 
choose ??.
    By viewing the pictures in the attachment and your 
explanation, f_ RF is LO frequency? Then the two channels share one LO, so 
setting f_ Offset adjusts the frequency to f_ target?
     I tried the following:
        freq1=   2.4G
        freq2=   2.39G
        lo_off1=   5M
        lo_off2=  -5M
    But the problem still exists, and the bit error rate is very 
high : (
    Another  thing I forgot to say is that I did a dual channel 
transmission  experiment before (I call it experiment A. ), and the parameter 
settings are the same as when I  first set them??freq1 = 2.4G, freq2=2.39G, 
lo_off1=2M, lo_off2=-2M,samp_rate=300k??,which performs very well. The only 
difference between experiment A and this experiment now is that the modulation 
of the signals on the RFA and RFB of experiment A are different. I copied the 
USRP sink and USRP source components directly from the GRC of experiment A, and 
the parameter settings are the same, experiment A performed very well, but in 
this experiment a high BER occurred, so now I am confused where the problem lies
Best regards??      

------------------ ???????? ------------------
                                               "Marcus M??ller"                 
????????:&nbsp;2022??12??7??(??????) ????5:37

????:&nbsp;Re: ?????? Problems implementing USRP b210 dual channel transceiver

Sorry, typo, hit ctrl-enter to send accidentally when trying to fix it. Let me 
say it 

Re: ?? But you receive packets! So that's a good thing, I guess?

Re: ?? So, maybe the attached figure helps. The offset is the difference 
between the 
physical LO frequency f_{RF}, and the center frequency of what becomes your 

So, I incorrectly said "the offsets need to add up to 10 MHz"; correct would be 
to say that
freq1-offset1 = freq2-offset2.
Now, since freq2 = freq1 - 10 MHz follows
freq1-offset1 = freq1 - 10 MHz - offset2
10 MHz = offset1 - offset2

Note that offsets can be negative.

Best regards,

On 07.12.22 10:30, Marcus M??ller wrote:
&gt; Your LO offset still don't add up to the difference between freq1 and 
freq2. What 
&gt; frequency is the physical LO supposed to have? It cannot have frequency 
2.4 GHz - 5 MHz 
&gt; and 2.39 + 2 MHz at the same time. These are different numbers!
&gt; Best regards,
&gt; Marcus
&gt; On 07.12.22 09:09, ???????? wrote:
&gt;&gt; Hi,
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you for your reply, based on your 
suggestion I have tried the following:
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; ??No LO offset set (no uhd.tune_request)
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Ch0:Center Freq : freq1
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Ch1:Center Freq : freq2
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;??freq1 = 2.4G, 
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;??Set LO Offset
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Ch0:Center Freq : 
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Ch1:Center Freq : 
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;??freq1 = 2.4G, freq2=2.39G, 
lo_off1=5M, lo_off2=5M,samp_rate=300k??
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;or ??freq1 = 2.4G, freq2=2.396G, lo_off1=2M, 
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;or ??freq1 = 2.4G, freq2=2.396G, lo_off1=2M, 
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; for ????
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; In this case, the number of packets received is 
incorrect and the problem becomes 
&gt;&gt; more serious.
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; for ????
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; In this case the BER is still very high (I don't 
think it's my system because the 
&gt;&gt; transmit power is set to 1 (Normalized) and the BER is quite low when 
using one RF 
&gt;&gt; channel, but I still think I'm using the USRPB210's dual channel 
transmission mode 
&gt;&gt; incorrectly)
&gt;&gt; Best Regards??
&gt;&gt; ------------------&nbsp;????????&nbsp;------------------
&gt;&gt; *??????:* "Marcus M??ller" <;;
&gt;&gt; *????????:*&nbsp;2022??12??6??(??????) ????8:49
&gt;&gt; *??????:*&nbsp;"discuss-gnuradio"<;;
&gt;&gt; *????:*&nbsp;Re: Problems implementing USRP b210 dual channel 
&gt;&gt; There's only one physical TX LO; so either you just don't specify 
offsets, OR they must
&gt;&gt; add up to the difference between the two target frequencies.
&gt;&gt; In your case, the difference is 10 MHz, but your offsets don't add up 
to 10 MHz, and
&gt;&gt; you're requesting something impossible.
&gt;&gt; Best regards,
&gt;&gt; Marcus
&gt;&gt; On 06.12.22 12:45, ???????? wrote:
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; Hi,
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I am using OFDM + USRPB210 for data 
transmission. I am using two USRPB210s, one 
&gt;&gt; being
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; used as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. When I 
use only one of the channels
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; (RFA or RFB) the data can be transmitted properly. I needed 
to transmit two different 
&gt;&gt; data
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; at the same time, so I used both the USRP RFA and RFB. the 
baseband processing part 
&gt;&gt; of the
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; link was the same for both channels (including channel 
coding, modulation, FFT, 
&gt;&gt; etc.), but
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; at this point I found that I was transmitting data with a 
very high BER (for both 
&gt;&gt; links).
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; again, mentioning that there was no problem when sending on 
one channel alone, I The 
&gt;&gt; USRP
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; Sink and Source settings are shown in the attached picture.
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; where
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; freq1=2.4G
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; freq2=2.39G
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; lo_off1=2M
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; lo_off2=-2M
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; samp_rate=300K
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The two signals are separated using 
different frequencies, I don't think there 
&gt;&gt; should
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; be any interference between them, and I have troubleshot 
errors other than USRP 
&gt;&gt; source and
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; sink, so I think there is something wrong with my parameter 
settings, or I am using the
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; two RF channels in an incorrect way. How should I modify 
this?Looking forward to your
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; response??
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt; Best Regards!
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;&gt;

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