I am asking a doubt regarding receiver using an Adalm Pluto SDR In the receiver section we are using *Polyphase Clock Sync*, *Linear Equalizer* and *Costas Loop.* My doubt is that is the configuration parameters of these blocks are dependent on the BW of the signal(Sample Rate)
Keeping the parameters as Normal (*In Polyphase Clock Sync block*- No of filters(nfilts) as 32, Loop Bw .0628, RRC filter as *firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0/float(sps), 0.35, 11*sps*nfilts), sps as 4* ;* In Linear Equalize*r No of Taps as 15 ;In CostasLoop Loop BW as .0628) when I set the BW(sample Rate around)1MHz I can receive the datas. But when I set the BW(Sample Rate) as 125KHz I cannot receive the datas. Anyone plese tell me what modification I have to make ?