Apologies if this has been sent multiple times; I've been having issues
with my mailing list subscription.

I am trying to implement a relatively simple block that acts as a
message-enabled timed gate. The block has one stream input, one stream
output, and one input message port for control. The block diagram is shown

#################       #############
# Signal source # ====> #   Enable  # ====> [OUTPUT]
#################       #   Timed   #
              MSG ----> #   Burst   #

I want the block to output an all-zero stream until it receives the
message, at which point it should output whatever samples are being sent in
for a fixed number of samples. For some reason though, whenever the block
receives a message, the work function is no longer called. None of the
debug messages in the work function are printed to console, and I do not
see any more samples being outputted from the block. However, the
message-reception block ("on_enable") continues to be called every time a
new message comes in.

I couldn't find any mention of this happening before on the mailing list or
forums. If anyone can shed any light on why this is happening or can give
any advice as to a better way to implement this, it would be really
appreciated. The relevant components of my code are below:

/* The private constructor */
enable_timed_burst_impl::enable_timed_burst_impl(bool debug, int
    : gr::sync_block("enable_timed_burst",
                gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
                gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),
    // Set enable status to false
    enable_burst = false;
    //sample_counter = 0;

    // Prepare control message port
boost::bind(&enable_timed_burst_impl::on_enable, this, _1));

/* On "enable" message */
void enable_timed_burst_impl::on_enable(pmt::pmt_t msg)
    // Set enable status to true
    enable_burst = true;
    debug_out("Burst enabled.");

/* Work */
int enable_timed_burst_impl::work(int noutput_items,
    gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
    gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
    debug_out("Work called.");

    // Input and output streams
    const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *)input_items[0];
    gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *)output_items[0];

    // Number of output and input items is always the burst length
    noutput_items = d_burst_length;

    // If burst enabled, pass the output; otherwise, pass zeroes
    if (enable_burst) {
        debug_out("I reached here!");
        for (int ticker = 0; ticker < d_burst_length; ticker++)
            out[ticker] = in[ticker];

        enable_burst = false;
        debug_out("Burst disabled.");
    else {
        for (int ticker = 0; ticker < d_burst_length; ticker++)
            out[ticker] = 0;

    // Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
    return noutput_items;


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