Hi Roland,

Hmm, can it be the case, that this convenience stub is just missing from the palette that is visible to GRC? I checked my ubuntu package repo, where I can clearly see that I have installed the soapysdr-module-uhd.

I'm not even sure such a convenience stub exist. I haven't checked. It's pretty likely that it doesn't – GNU Radio can't check for all possible soapy plugins at GNU Radio installation time, that's the point of having plugins.
But, source code tells me the SoapySDR driver for HackRF does support handing down the "end of stream" information to the device:


Indeed this is the very same place I "landed". Following the source, however, shows that this code is only touched when the device is opened, i.e. where the gr-soapy driver block_impl::start() calls the activateStream function.

ah, you're right, it seems.

So, should work the same as when using a USRP instead of a HackRF.

To me it seems the SOAPY_SDR_END_BURST flag does not get handled in the code path of the HackRF writeStream function at all.

Yep, seems to be missing.

Considering what you told me regarding the fact that the gr-soapy is a generic driver, I should look for changing the HackRF photos/soapy driver, because the gr-driver is device agnostic.


Hmm, couldn't it be the case that the HackRF soapy driver requires just a different call sequence to make bursts happen? E.g. calling activateStream for every burst that is to come? If this is the case this would be bad since then both drivers are "correct" but their interworking will yield different results depending on which plugin is used, which is also a bad thing since it invalidates the whole idea of abstraction. What do you think?

I think: Ah. So, the HackRF wants to know how many samples are there on the end of a burst. But that wouldn't stop you from using the same flag handling in the writeStream, as far as I can tell. The thing is though that I don't know how much you'd need to re-initialize after. So, whether you'd want to refactor the activateStream method to extract the part that you would have to do the moment after you've finished a burst to get ready for the next batch of samples.


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