Haha! Perfect :) Glad you solved the issue! And absolutely no reason to be 

On 26.10.22 17:04, George Edwards wrote:
Hi Marcus,
I have egg on my face! I messed up, Gnuradio works fine. I accidentally set one of the variables in the grc which contributes to the computation of the vector length incorrectly and made the size 496. Sometimes in the midst of these problems, we overlook the obvious. My mistake!
Sorry for taking up your time and the community time.
Thanks again for your feedback!

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022, 5:16 AM Marcus Müller <muel...@kit.edu 
<mailto:muel...@kit.edu>> wrote:

    Hi George,

    I can't really follow. A block in GNU Radio has a *fixed* output item size. 
So, the
    To Vector block *can* only produce items of size (448*sizeof(entry in the 
vector)). That
    can't change!

    Same with your block: it has an io_signature (you set it in the 
constructor), which fixes
    its input size. There's nothing that could change that; unless GNU Radio 
really has a
    *fatal* bug.

    So please tell us how exactly you notice / observe this change in input 
vector length!

    Best regards,

    On 26.10.22 03:24, George Edwards wrote:
     > Hello GNURadio Community,
     > I designed an OOT block to accept vectors of size 448 samples. In the 
flowgraph, my
     > is preceded a Stream-to-Vector block with the vector size set to 448 
samples. My
    OOT block
     > expects vector data that are of length 448 or multiple of 448 samples 
for signal
     > processing. I dumped the output of my block to a file and noticed that 
the first 1000
     > values were correct and the rest garbage. I put a print statement in the 
code to
    see the
     > length of the input samples that the Scheduler provided on each 
iteration. I found out
     > that the inputs were 496 and multiples of 496 (obviously not integer 
multiple of my
     > vector length of 448 samples). Is there a way to force the Scheduler to 
    input data
     > samples that are the exactly 448 and multiple of 448 samples (which I 
thought I
    would be
     > getting by setting the vector size parameter to 448)?
     > I am aware that the alternative may be to pad the data entering the
    Stream-to-Vector block
     > which precedes my OOT Block with 48 dummy samples and in my signal 
    remove them.
     > I will appreciate any response that leads to me keeping the vector size 
at 448 and
     > the Scheduler provide input data that are of size 448 or integer 
multiples of 448.
     > Regards,
     > George

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