Hi Rohith - in the Protocol Formatter, the hdr_format, I'm fairly
certain the hdr denotes "High Dynamic Range" used in imaging - TV images
for instance.
In which case, it may easily generate 4 times the data then your
sentence contains in bits.
-- Cinaed
On 10/13/22 02:17, Rohith Rajan wrote:
I am doing Packet Transmission and Reception using Adalm Pluto SDR in
GNu radio companion. I am transmitting text file(.txt file with one
sentence ) using one adalm pluto and receiving it using 2nd adalm
pluto. But while receiving there is much more noise and I can't
properly receive the packet that I transmitted.
Here I am attaching the .grc file and the images of the
constellation diagrams.
Please help me to receive the packet successfully
Thank You
Rohith R