Hello Sumit:

GNU Radio has a feature called "out-of-tree modules". It basically lets you to 
add 3rd-party signal processing blocks to your GNU Radio installations.
Osmocom source is a out-of-tree module from osmocom, called gr-osmosdr. You can 
replace that with a UHD source, if (and only if) your radio is a USRP from 
Ettus Research.

There are also some out-of-tree modules for energy detection and cyclostationay 
analysis (like gr-specest). I think the PSK modulation block has been removed 
from GNU Radio, as it was somewhat buggy and you are better off impelemting it 
manually as suggested in GNU Radio Wiki ( 
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Guided_Tutorial_PSK_Demodulation ), but I 
could be wrong about that.

If you installed GNU Radio via a package manager (like apt in Debian/Ubuntu), 
then maybe you can also install some out-of-tree modules via that package 
manager (like apt install gr-osmosdr). If you manually installed GNU Radio or 
the modules are not available for your package manager, then you may have to 
manually build and install the modules (usually involves git clone -> cmake -> 
make -> make install -> ldconfig).

Kyeong Su Shin
보낸 사람: Sumit Agrawal (P19EE207) <agrawal...@iitj.ac.in> 대신 Discuss-gnuradio 
보낸 날짜: 2022년 9월 12일 월요일 오후 3:58
받는 사람: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
제목: Regarding osmocom source missing in gnuradio

I am using gnu radio v3.8 and UHD v4.2. I can see that there is no specific 
block for the osmocom source. Is the osmocom source behave as a UHD source?

I can also see that there is no specific block for energy detection, 
cyclostationary detection, and PSK modulation. But, I have seen these blocks in 
many videos on youtube. So, I need help regarding how to make these blocks.

Thanks & Regards,
Sumit Kumar Agrawal
Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
Indian Institute of Technology
Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342037
Mob. No.- 8410957412

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