On Fri, 9 Sep 2022 11:36:53 +0100
"R.P. Merrell" <rich...@rpmdesign.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi all
> I am looking for a way to implement a display of the signal strength being
> received and have tried various methods using the available blocks in my GNU
> 3.10 installation to achieve without success, is their anyone out there who
> has successfully done that who could point me in the right direction,
> please.
> Many thanks
> Richard G4GUJ.

I have used a Qt GUI Number Sink block for this purpose although it has
the rather disconcerting property of providing textual output as well
as a sliding scale, which can't be switched off.  You obviously need to
take the block's input before your AGC block (if any) and because it
comprises a linear display use logarithmic compression and/or some other
form of compression on that input in order to get meaningful results as
a signal strength monitor.

  • S Meter R.P. Merrell
    • Re: S Meter Chris Vine

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