GNU Radio Conference 2022 is just over 1 month away and we have an exciting
schedule,  outstanding speakers, and engaging activities planned for this
year's event.

Just a reminder to please register at - this
helps us tremendously in having an accurate count of people for food and
space needs.

NOTE: You can even register without paying right away if needed - just
select "wire transfer" as the payment type, and you can come back later (by
the conference start) and complete or change the payment type (to credit

Also, the venue for this year - Capital Hilton - has provided a special
rate for attendees that is very competitive with other rates in the area.
If you plan on staying at the venue hotel, please book no later than August 26, so that our
room block is credited towards the event.

The initial schedule has been published: We have a
broad range of technical talks related to GNU Radio, SDR, and wireless
communications as well as:



      Dr. Stefanie Tomkins, Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects

      Dr. Tony Beasley, Director, National Radio Astronomy Observatory

      Dr. Nicholas Laneman, Founding Director SpectrumX and Co-Director of
      the Wireless Institute, College of Engineering, Notre Dame

   Breakout Sessions

      Work collaboratively with active members of the development community
      in specific topics related to SDR research and planned development


   Expo Hall

      Come see the latest offerings and demos from our sponsors throughout
      the conference

   Hands-on Day/Hackfest

      Friday will be dedicated to hands-on activity working closely with GR

If you are presenting, please review the presenter's guide:

For all the information, please visit the conference website:

And of course, we are grateful to this year's conference sponsors, without
whom none of this would be possible:

Any questions please email

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