What do you mean by saying 'PLL randomization' ? Any web link will also do.
I am just curious.
pon., 8 sie 2022 o 13:19 DİREN ERDEM AYDIN via GNU Radio, the Free &
Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>

> Dear Users,
> I have a flow graph that is given in the figure. I am using generic pluto
> blocks to avoid PLL randomization in each frequency update. In the given
> received signal graph 800 - 900 MHz bandwidth is scanned by 20 MHz steps.
> As you can see, the acquired signal form is changed in each step.
> Therefore, I may say that PLLs are updated even if I have used generic
> blocks.
> What went wrong in this particular case? Is there a way that I can
> maintain the received signal form through a certain band?
> Regards,
> dea
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