Hello Gentlemen,

I installed VirtualBox extension pack and made the USB connection in
VirtualBox to the HackerRF board. However, in the Ubuntu Terminal when I
execute the command hackrf_info the info that comes up is:
hackrf_info version: unknown
libhackrf version: unknown (0.5)
Found HackRF
Index: 0
Board ID Number: 2 (HackRF One)
Firmware Version: 2014.08.1 (API:1.00)
Part ID Number: 0xa000cb3c 0x006e4756
The above shows Ubuntu is having trouble reading the top two version
information and as a result when I try to run the Gnuradio flowgraph, it
gives a message that it fails to open HackRF.


On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 10:32 AM James Anderson <j...@jrsa.co> wrote:

> You might want to try running hackrf_info with superuser privileges using
> sudo, i.e. "sudo hackrf_info". Many/most peripherals require this in Linux
> by default.
> Additionally, use of a VM may limit the sample rate you can achieve since
> there is some overhead passing through the USB connection. Consider
> installing Linux directly on your machine.
> On Aug 3, 2022, at 6:12 AM, George Edwards <gedwards....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello GNURadio Community,
> I built a grc flowgraph in Gnuradio 3.9.5 on Ubuntu 20.04 inside Microsoft
> VirtualBox. I have a HackRF One radio hardware. I installed the hackrf
> drivers in Ubuntu with command: sudo apt-get install -y hackrf
> and confirmed the installation. I connected the HackRF One board to my
> computer and in the Terminal prompt entered the command hackrf_info and
> received the response that it does not see the Hackrf board.
> And true to form when I ran the flowgraph, I get the following error
> message:
> RuntimeError: no hackrf device matches
> Why is Ubuntu 20.04 running inside MS VirtualBox not seeing the HackRf
> board with the HackRf drivers installed. And, how do I resolve this issue?
> Will appreciate any help to resolve this issue.
> George

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