Hi Merlo,
On 29.06.22 18:53, Merlo, Jason wrote:
A separate function can be
registered for each input, however I would need to dynamically generate functions based on
the number of inputs a user has configured, which has been giving me trouble. Ideally, the
function handler callback would provide auxiliary arguments to pass to the callback
function as arguments that can be bound at instantiation (such as index), but I don't
think this is possible.
It definitely is! It's what lambdas are for.
I've written a small illustration for you: https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/cssn8hMno
Here, "float divide(int, int)" is your function that takes an extra argument (in case of
your universal message handler, that might be the name of the handler).
with [capture](arguments) { return something; } you can write an anonymous function (a
lambda) that "knows" its "captured" values, and still takes arguments.
Presently, I've looked into the functools package |partialmethod| to create separate
instances of the |process_msg(self, msg, idx)| method with the |ch_idx| argument set,
effectively creating |process_msg_idx(self, msg)| dynamically based on the number of
inputs the user desires like:
Oh, this is python. Makes it a bit easier;
handler_name = something
lambda argument: underlying_function(argument, handler_name)
curries underlying function to have its second argument already set, i.e. down to a
function of a single variable.
Best regards,