Hi markus,

I'm already being paged on whether there'll be a recording of the tutorials; I said the last years SDRA was very cool in that they always offered recordings, but I just don't know. I recommended they should join live for as long as they can.


On 24.06.22 11:14, hel...@relix.de wrote:
Dear lists,

apologies, I made a mistake with the dates.

The European GNURadio Days' tutorial session is today, Friday 24.06. at 1300 
CEST (UTC+2) = 1100 UTC
Th SDRA is tomorrow, Saturday 25.06. and we will start at 1000 CEST = 0800 UTC

The Youtube stream of both sessions will be available at: 

The programme is available at: https://2022.sdra.io/pages/programme.html


23. Juni 2022 18:47, mhel...@relix.de schrieb:

Dear lists,

the joint events Software Defined Radio Academy 2022 and European GNURadio Days 
are starting in a
few hours.

European GNURadio Days: Friday June 25 (tomorrow)
Software Defined Radio Academy 2022: Saturday June 26

Both events are going to be availabe as a live stream at:


The Friday is going to be a tutorials session, and the Saturday is going to 
host all talks that
were submitted to the SDRA this year.

Please check the programme at:

Please also note that we are going to have an award ceremony: There will be the 
first and initial
winner proclamation for the Ulrich L. Rohde Award on advances in Software 
Defined Radio, and the
price will be handed over to the winner by the IARU president Sylvain Azarian 

We are looking forward to meet you either in Friedrichshafen or on our Youtube 

See you soon!


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