Hi Criss - I remember having the same issue.
I rolled with the punch by adding the python path - then I forgot about it.
I upgraded the OS but did a clean install of gnuradio 10.
I just updated volk and gnuradio and rebuilt volk the problem is still
there for me - at least after rebuilding volk
I was going to do a dist-upgrade to get rid of all the previous OS
packages and update them but I haven't had chance.
-- Cinaed
On 5/31/22 11:39, Criss Swaim wrote:
Upgraded to GnuRadio 3.10 from 3.9 and gnuradio-companion aborts with
a module not found trying to import my OOT python blocks. The modules
are being placed in /usr/local/local/lib64/python3.10/site-packages -
note the local/local. the destination should be
The fix is after running the cmake ../ command in the build directory,
edit build/python/cmake_install.cmake and
build/python/bindings/cmake_install.cmake and change
"$(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/python3.10/site-packages..... (remove
there are 2 changes in build/python/cmake_install.cmake and 8 changes
in build/python/bindings/cmake_install.cmake
Make these changes before running the make/sudo make install.
I am unable to determine if this is a problem in the gr_modtool or in
the GR_PYTHON_DIR constant or in some setting in my custom OOT project.
My environment is Fedora 36, Gnuradio 3.10 and Python 3.10.