Hi Mohammad - just to be clear, it's a patch for gr-dab-0.4 OOT module
running under gnuradio-3.9.
And if you haven't done so already, you should download the source code
for gr-dab-0.4 and build it to ensure you have all the necessary
libraries needed for running gr-dab-0.4 under gnuradio-3.9.
Then apply the patch to source code for gr-dab-04 recompile and install.
See the following URL on how to apply a patch to source code
2. Apply Patch File using Patch Command
-- Cinaed
On 5/30/22 00:51, Mohammad Riyazudeen wrote:
Dear Experts,
I am not having much aware of GNU Radio
installation and configuration,
Building and installing GNU Radio 3.9 from source code on UBUNTU 18.04.
Now i need to install gr-dab-0.4-gnuradio39.patch
patch file for GNU Radio 3.9.
Please provide me a steps for applying the patch on GNU Radio 3.9
Mohammad Riyazudeen