On 2022-05-12 04:50, Cédric Hannotier wrote:

The SHA256 error seems legit.
If you compare the hash between the downloaded zip and the manifest,
they do not match.

Expected hash for "e3xx_e310_sg1_fpga_default" [1]:

sha256sum of downloaded zip [2]:

Yes, I just manually went through the steps myself and it's a mis-match.  Hopefully Ettus can get this fixed.


Thank you,

*Von:* Discuss-gnuradio
<discuss-gnuradio-bounces+anton.dobler=unibw...@gnu.org> im Auftrag von
Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
*Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2022 20:54:15
*An:* discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org; usrp-us...@lists.ettus.com
*Betreff:* Re: RFNoC, UHD4.0
On 2022-05-11 14:45, Dobler, Anton wrote:
Dear Community,

I try to set up a basic flowgraph in GRC consisting out of a null
source, a tx streamer and DUC and a TX radio.

I use UHD4.0 and GR3.8.2.

However, I get the following error message:

/RuntimeError: RuntimeError: Error during RPC call to `init'. Error
message: RuntimeError: Receiver profile out of range RF bandwidth./

I tried different settings for sample rate, etc. but still I get
that error. I attached the used flowgraph.

The second question is with regards to the default fpga images. When
I download the images I get the following error:

/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 
/01137 kB / 01137 kB (100%) e3xx_e310_sg3_fpga_default-g2cba65b.zip/
/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 
/10183 kB / 10183 kB (100%) e3xx_e320_fpga_default-g2cba65b.zip/
/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 
/20729 kB / 20729 kB (100%) n3xx_n310_fpga_default-g2cba65b.zip/
/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 
/14345 kB / 14345 kB (100%) n3xx_n300_fpga_default-g2cba65b.zip/
/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 
/27285 kB / 27285 kB (100%) n3xx_n320_fpga_default-g2cba65b.zip/
/[ERROR] Downloaded SHA256 does not match manifest for 

What can I do to solve that problem?

Any help would be more than welcome!




What type of USRP?  Are you running this on the device itself, or over a
network connection?  If over a network connection, what type of

The SHA256 errors means that there's a problem with the repository, or
that your access to the repository is corrupting files, or they're being
corrupted on
   your system as they arrive.   I haven't *heard* that the repository
has any problems for that release of UHD.

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