Hello guys! I'm new to GNURadio.

I was wondering if there was a way to control the different parameters and
start and stop on a different device when using two devices.

I am looking at other rpc methods as alternative to what is used now with
xml. I tried with zerorpc but there were afew problems I was having:

1) I tried to make a python snippet in gnuradio companion but I was
confused what parameter to pass when its done in gnuradio companion to the
zerorpc.server(.....), can I just send in the class?
2) If I have many parameters, does that mean I have to setup many client
script? Is there a way to avoid having many python snippets or a ideal way
to do it?
3) Regarding stop/start, I was thinking of having something for that, but I
don't know if that is possible.

Here is the code for both server and client (would appreciate some tips)


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