Thanks, I tried a very basic example and was trying to monitor data rate
using nethogs with a different sample rate.

At a signal sample rate of 9.6MSPS, nethogs sees about 59MB/s of data. I
wonder if that could be improved in anyway, or whether the sample rate of
an actual wired lan connection might be better?

I vaguely remember that the USB data transfer rate at 6.4MSPS was about

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 11:51 AM jmfriedt <>

> > I am wondering if it is possible to reliably make another gnuradio
> > instance on a low powered computer (like a intel minipc or raspberry
> > pi) to interface with the SDR and be connected to the high end cpu
> > laptop via a lan cable. This would allow the laptop to be placed far
> > away easing physical constraints and also allow easier management.
> >
> > Could someone point me at flowgraphs that would allow this?
> I try to show at starting
> at 9:30 how to stream data from GNU Radio using ZeroMQ
> publish/subscribe, in my case to external Python software which could
> very well be remote if the IP address is not, but will be
> even easier to implement if the client is another GNU Radio flowchart.
> I am currently doing exactly that: recording on a Raspberry Pi and
> streaming to a more powerful computer for processing (again from a
> dedicated Python script rather than another GNU Radio instance, e.g
> around 45 min of that video).
> Best, JM
> --
> JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000
> Besancon, France


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