Hi Wayne,

On 3/10/22 5:21 PM, Wayne Roberts wrote:
when i say that gnuradio works on windows, that doesnt include UHD.
When i plug in B100, and point windows 11 device management to the unzipped 
erllc_uhd_winusb_driver.zip, it just ignores the contents.
But run it ok in ubuntu now.

Getting the USB driver installed for any device is always going to be an 
external step that no GNU Radio package can help with, but if the UHD 
documentation is not getting you there then I recommend giving the generic 
WinUSB driver a try as documented here:


The OOT module i build and run is https://github.com/tapparelj/gr-lora_sdr 
It is for 3.8.2, so i must install that version of gnuradio, and on ubuntu hold 
back the update on package management.

Ah, GR 3.8 might be a little trickier since the Wiki documentation has been 
updated to correspond to 3.9/3.10. That said, nothing about that OOT looks like 
it would necessarily make the process more difficult.

On windows though, with conda,  for building that I have the VS2015 installed 
and cmake finds that, but cmake stops at finding MPLIB (or MPIR) on windows.

VS2017 might be necessary, or at least have the "MSVC v141 - VS2017 C++ x64/x86 
build tools (v14.16)" component selected for inclusion in your Visual Studio 

Also note that in conda, cmake and git are not installed by default.  I'm not 
sure if base should be activated when installing cmake and git.

Something seems off here since `mpir` and `cmake` should both be installed in 
an environment where `gnuradio-build-deps` and `gnuradio-core` are installed. 
`git` is not required for the build, only for how you're getting the source, so 
it would be necessary for you to install the `git` package manually.

Let me be explicit about how I think this should work:

1) Start from an activated base conda environment:

    conda activate base

2) Create a new environment, say "gnuradio", that contains `gnuradio` and, 
since you want to build an OOT, `gnuradio-build-deps`.

    conda create -n gnuradio gnuradio gnuradio-build-deps

3) Activate your "gnuradio" environment.

    conda activate gnuradio

4) Install any extra dependencies you might need for your OOT (for gr-lora_sdr 
it looks like that would be nothing).

    conda install ...

*) At this point, you should be in an environment where `mpir` and `cmake` are 

    conda list

(output includes `mpir` and `cmake`)

5) Execute CMake and the build steps as described on the wiki.

If you're doing all of that and it's still failing, post the CMake output and 
`conda list` from the environment that is active when you're doing the build.


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