" The LO synthesizer on the B210 is shared between the two channels, so
only your 2nd tune request is actually "honored".

Thanks for this answer, so both are always tuned to the same frequency. I
should have bought 2 B200 as it also seems that the bandwidth is limited
(not 2x56MHz) if you use both channels .
ps; The WBFM part was just an example to point out the issue.


Op ma 21 feb. 2022 om 16:34 schreef Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com

> On 2022-02-21 09:35, hnas cable guy wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I recently purchased a USRP B210.
> > I am trying to use two channel transmissions but do not get it to work.
> >
> > As a simple test I created 2 FM modulated carriers.
> > If I configure only one channel it works as expected but when I
> > configure 2 channels I only get the second channel on my spectrum
> > analyzer.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Hans
> The LO synthesizer on the B210 is shared between the two channels, so
> only your 2nd tune request is actually "honored".
> Since they're only 100khz apart, you can simply shift them in baseband
> and send to the radio in an appropriate bandwidth. Further, your WBFM block
>    has an audio rate and quadrature rate that are the same. Normally,
> the output bandwidth of a WBFM block is about 150kHz or more.

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