It just seems like that is a current execution line.  Microsoft doesn't even 
mention a specific name in some of their documentation:

Mine (attached) looks pretty much the same as yours showing a breakpoint and 
current execution point.

Is the breakpoint window empty? What version fo VSC are you using?

From: Discuss-gnuradio <> 
on behalf of David Cherkus <>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2022 8:48 PM
To: GNURadio Discussion List
Subject: Using VSCode With gr-tutorial

Am following the Wiki UsingVSCode page ( ).

So, I set the breakpoint in the work function, it works as advertised, I hit 
the breakpoint.

I use F5 to continue a few times and then delete the breakpoint since I get it, 
it's looping.

The red breakpoint dot in front of my line of code goes away, turns into the 
symbol you now see at line 149:

[Inline image]

And the code acts as if there still is a breakpoint set, when I use F5 to 
continue it just stops at line 149 over and over again.

Right click on the symbol just offers to set a new breakpoint / conditional 
breakpoint / watchpoint.

I can't google what to do because I don't know the name of that symbol (hollow 
play button thingy?).

Environment is Ubuntu 18.04 with VS Code 1.64.2 (one week old, no update 

Thanks for any pointers,

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