On 2022-02-09 08:09, Marcin Puchlik via GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio wrote:
Hi Community,
I am quite new to GNU Radio ecosystem and I am wondering how you guys are getting to know about many functions that the library and submodules offer? For example, it's relatively easy to make a flowgraph based on the blocks but the blocks (and hided object behind them) are one thing but the other thing are variety of functions in each of the module e.g. gr-digital. I didn't know about the digital.psk_4() function that returns mappings from symbols to bit words before I run the examples from the gr-digital module. I was always putting those values as lists by hand, cause I didn't know that such a function exists. So my main question is: how to get to know about a variety of functions/classes that GNU Radio provides? Should I read the source code of each module starting in lib/ and /python directory or is there a less cumbersome way?

Marcin Puchlik

DSP Engineer


That general area should help.

  • GNU Radio... GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio
    • Re: ... Marcus D. Leech

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