Dear Rachida,
we don't know how you've installed GNU Radio, hence it's impossible to advise how to
uninstall it. Chances is: you *really* should not try.
I'd personally say: get used to "containers", and use an old Linux distro that ships your
desired version of GNU Radio, and install it the distro-typical way (e.g. apt-get, dnf,
Do note, though, that GNU Radio 3.7 is officially end-of-life, and the community and the
developers have less and less experience with it. There's nobody who will fix bugs in 3.7.
So, after you've made your module run, you'd have to port it to a newer version of GNU
Radio, as the dependencies of GNU Radio 3.7 (Python2.5, cheetah, old versions of Boost,
many 3.7–versions depend on Qt4…) are unavailable for modern operating systems.
Best regards,
On 01.02.22 12:04, Rachida SAROUI wrote:
I mean uninstall GNU Radio 3.8 and install 3.7,
Envoyé de mon iPhone
Le 1 févr. 2022 à 12:02, Josh Morman <> a écrit :
ou mean uninstall GNU Radio 3.8 and install 3.7,