
I'm not sure if you've done this already, but when you use d_fft_calculator, you need to change from -> to . to access it.


On 1/29/22 12:24, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
Hello all,

I am currently trying to migrate an OOT module that uses an FFT object
internally from  GNU Radio version 3.8 to 3.9.

In my .h file I have got this:

    //old: gr::fft::fft_complex d_fft_calculator;
    gr::fft::fft_complex_fwd d_fft_calculator;

and in the constructor member initializer list this:

      //old: d_fft_calculator(gr::fft::fft_complex(pow(2.0, 10 + mode),
true, 1)),
      d_fft_calculator(pow(2.0, 10 + mode), 1),

The module compiles without a problem but when I start the flowgraph I
get the message "ImportError: /usr/local/lib/libgnuradio-dl5eu.so.1.0.0:
undefined symbol: _ZN2gr3fft3fftISt7complexIfELb1EED1Ev". It looks to me
that somewhere "fft_complex" is still called behind the scenes but I
can't see where.

Can anyone tell me how I need to correct this?

FYI, I have recreated the module and the blocks with gr_modtool and then
copied the relevant code from the old to the new version.

Thank you very much and kind regards,


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